Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Big, White, Fluffy, Lazy, Bundle of Cuteness Project

This is Myla
This is the first picture I ever saw of Myla. She is freakin' adorable, I immediately fell in love with her. She has become a huge part of my life and I LOVE taking pictures of her.

Here's another cute picture of her
However cute this picture is, it's not the best photo, and it's incredibly difficult to photograph a white bunny.

How hard is it really photograph a white bunny?
As hard as trying to photograph the sun! No seriously she shines like the sun outside!

And yeah it's worse in the snow!

Lazy, saggy bunny
Myla recently lost a lot of weight, which is ironic because she's a super lazy bunny, she used to be chunky, now she's just saggy.
Look at those rolls!

Myla spends a lot of time pooping.

And she's very lazy. 90% of her day she's a total couch potato.

But, the other 10% I promise she does move around and sometimes she does look for trouble. I have trouble capturing her best moments because she's quick and then they're gone.

I love using my iPhone camera because it's so convenient, and I love using different apps to enhance (none of these photos were enhanced) and make some memorable photos of my bunny. I even like instagram. But I'm no professional photographer and Myla is no professional model.

I've got myself a double edged sword problem, a very lazy, boring, non photogenic, white bunny and a not-so-photograph-talented me. So with the help of some pretty amazing photo apps for the next 365 days (starting Jan 1st) I'm challenging myself and Myla to take better quality photos of Myla and Myla to be a much more interesting bunny. (I have a feeling I will win this challenge.) Stay tuned as the film rolls are developed (figuratively) and 365 sides of a bunny emerge, and let's all hope they're all not of her being lazy!

Rate your reactions after each post so that I know which photos you like the best!

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